How to Handle AJAX GET/POST Requests in WordPress

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a powerful technique used in modern web development that allows web pages to communicate with the server without reloading the page. WordPress has built-in support for handling AJAX requests using its own hooks and structure. This guide will walk you through setting up both GET and POST AJAX requests in WordPress.

Step 1: Enqueueing the JavaScript

To use AJAX in WordPress, you first need to enqueue a JavaScript file where the AJAX request will be handled.

Add the following code to your functions.php file:

function enqueue_custom_scripts() {
    wp_enqueue_script('custom-ajax-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-ajax.js', array('jquery'), null, true);

    // Localize the script with new data
    wp_localize_script('custom-ajax-script', 'ajax_object', array(
        'ajax_url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
        'nonce'    => wp_create_nonce('ajax_nonce') // Add a nonce for security
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_scripts');

This code enqueues a JavaScript file named custom-ajax.js and localizes it with the ajax_url and nonce (a security token).

Step 2: Creating the JavaScript File

Create a file named custom-ajax.js in your theme’s js directory.

For a POST request:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('#your-button-id').on('click', function() {
        var data = {
            action: 'your_custom_action',
            security: ajax_object.nonce,
            some_data: 'Your data here'

        $.post(ajax_object.ajax_url, data, function(response) {
            if(response.success) {
                console.log('Success: ',;
            } else {
                console.log('Error: ',;

For a GET request:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('#your-button-id').on('click', function() {
        var data = {
            action: 'your_custom_action',
            security: ajax_object.nonce,
            some_data: 'Your data here'

        $.get(ajax_object.ajax_url, data, function(response) {
            if(response.success) {
                console.log('Success: ',;
            } else {
                console.log('Error: ',;

This code listens for a button click event and sends an AJAX request to the server using either $.post or $.get. The action parameter is used to identify the server-side function that will handle the request.

Step 3: Handling the AJAX Request in WordPress

Now, you need to handle the AJAX request in WordPress by adding a function to your functions.php file.

function handle_custom_ajax_request() {
    check_ajax_referer('ajax_nonce', 'security');

    $request_method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
    $some_data = '';

    if ($request_method === 'POST') {
        $some_data = isset($_POST['some_data']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['some_data']) : '';
    } elseif ($request_method === 'GET') {
        $some_data = isset($_GET['some_data']) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['some_data']) : '';

    if(!empty($some_data)) {
        wp_send_json_success(array('message' => strtoupper($request_method) . ' data received successfully!', 'data' => $some_data));
    } else {
        wp_send_json_error(array('message' => 'No data received in ' . strtoupper($request_method) . ' request.'));

    wp_die(); // All AJAX handlers must call wp_die() when finished
add_action('wp_ajax_your_custom_action', 'handle_custom_ajax_request');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_your_custom_action', 'handle_custom_ajax_request'); // For non-logged-in users

This function does the following:

  1. Nonce Verification: Ensures that the request is coming from a legitimate source using check_ajax_referer().
  2. Data Processing: Processes the incoming data, in this case, checking if some_data is provided.
  3. Response Handling: Sends a success or error response back to the JavaScript file using wp_send_json_success() or wp_send_json_error().

Step 4: Testing Your AJAX Request

Finally, test your AJAX request by clicking the button with the ID your-button-id that triggers the request. Open the browser console to see the success or error messages logged from the JavaScript.

With this setup, you can easily handle both GET and POST AJAX requests in WordPress. This approach ensures that your requests are secure, your data is properly processed, and your responses are well-handled.

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