Here’s how to host multiple sites on your EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux AMI. You might want to host different websites on a single instance, or perhaps just different subdomains, i.e., “” (this is what I wanted to do).
The first thing you should do, if you haven’t already, is assign a static IP address to your EC2 instance. You can do this in the Amazon EC2 control panel (go to Elastic IPs -> Allocate New Address). Assign the IP address to your instance, and write it down for later.
So, the next step is to go ahead and point your URL at your EC2 IP address. Log into your domain hosting account. In this case, I’ll describe how to do it for Go Daddy. Launch the Domains control panel and click the first domain that you want to point to your EC2 server.
Now, SSH into your EC2 instance using a terminal window (Mac) or Putty or Cygwin on a PC. There are many online tutorials on how to set this up. Then follow these instructions.
NameVirtualHost *.80
If your httpd.conf file does not have this line, don’t add it. Newer versions of Apache don’t need it. (If you are unsure, you can add it and you’ll just get a warning when you restart httpd).<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/website1_folder"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/website2_folder"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/website3_folder"
ErrorLog "logs/"
CustomLog "logs/" common
Did it work? If not, here is one possible cause. There might be another configuration file interfering with this one. Check for another .conf file in /etc/httpd/conf.d. Often your primary httpd.conf will include another .conf file in this directory. Make sure it doesn’t have some Virtual Host settings which are interfering with yours. If so, comment them out.
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